Friday, January 9, 2009

Black Fathers

1 out of 4 black homes are fatherless. There either in jail, on drugs, selling drugs, dead, or just plain not around. And the ones with fathers in the house. He's either works to much, never pays attention to his childrens lives, just plain doesn't care because he feels like he has done his job by jus "being there". our children are suffering because of this sick mentality. Let me tell yawl sumthing: I have not yet had the pleasure of fatherhood, but I have been a son. And I wish my father was there for me. He was there physically, but that's where it ended. The ONLY THING that I can say that I learned from this man is what I DON'T want to be as a father. I've made my mistakes and I stand up like a man and accept them. They were my decisions. But what I didn't have, was a father to guide those mistakes, to hold me when I slipped up, to tell me where the pot holes were in his life so I can try my best to dodge them. Assuming that if he jus put a video game and/or t.v in my face, that would good enuff. No, I needed a doggone father! Fathers, ESPECIALLY black fathers, take the time to get to KNOW ur children. Understand their feelings, what their fears are, what their talent are, study their strengths and weaknesses. Try to mold their weaknesses into strengths, and if not, then help them to understand their own weaknesses so they wont give in to those weaknesses. Talk to them, ask them what's on their mind. Ask them what are their plans in life, or just plain "do you need to talk to me?" would do nicely. Let your kids know that ur there for them.The reason I can say all of this is because these are things I never received growing up. And I'm sure there's many others that are in the same position I am. So if you are, then please take head to what I'm saying and make a change. We can't let this cycle of broken families and homes continue. Pray for me, as I will be praying for you

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